We are a Vibrant and Growing Community
Although our island comprises only 21 square kilometers and our year-round population is only 1000 residents, our community is large in spirit and energy. We pride ourselves on the resilience and contributions of our island residents, the richness of our environment, and our ability to have a lot of fun!
Our enjoyment of this land is thanks to the welcome and graciousness of our traditional hosts of this unceded territory of the Coast Salish people, including the Tsartlip First Nation which holds reserve land here.
We are Multigenerational
Mayne Island welcomes and embraces all of its islands residents and visitors, whether you are 1 month or 99 years old. There are many volunteer-run community service and non-profit organizations that work hard to extend welcome and support throughout the lifespan, including:
- The Lions Club plays an active and supportive role in our community. Just a few examples are the annual Salmon Barbeque; the popular Santa Ship at Christmastime, and the beautiful Adachi Pavilion facility at Dinner Bay,
- Mayne Island Early Childhood Society runs a licensed, multi-age childcare program out of the Mayne Island School, as well as a range of programming for young children and their families.
- Mayne Island Food Bank Society is a member of Food Banks BC and offers twice-monthly food hampers to households in need.
- Mayne Island Elementary School is part of School District 64 and operates on a four-day school week (Monday through Thursday) for Kindergarten to Grade 8.
- Mayne Island Assisted Living Society operates a range of volunteer programs for assistance with personal care, transportation, social visits, shopping trips and meal delivery. They also host a monthly seniors lunch.
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 84 proudly serves the community of Mayne Island.
We are Active & Engaging
Fantastic leisure and recreation, as well as cultural opportunities are key features of life on Mayne Island. Whether you are into relaxing with a book, taking in a performance, or joining a group that shares your passion, there are a variety of opportunities awaiting you. Here is a sampling:
- Arts on Mayne is part of the Southern Gulf Islands Arts Council. They host regular shows in various locations across the community.
- Association of Mayne Island Boaters provides networking, training, and advocacy on issues to improve the experiences of Mayne Islanders on the water.
- Mayne Island Community Centre is a beautiful recreation facility centrally located on five acres of land and includes two large activity rooms, a tennis court, community gardens and a commercial kitchen.
- Mayne Island Reading Centre is a gem located in the hub of the village. Wifi, interlibrary loans, and reading programs for all ages are provided in this volunteer-fun facility.
- Mayne Island Little Theatre enjoys a long history of providing local entertainment to our residents and visitors at the Agricultural Hall in the village.
- Mayne Island Music Society also hosts occasional events under the bandstand at the Ag hall. Campbell Bay Music Fest is an annual small music festival held in a beautiful waterfront setting on SḴŦAḴ / Mayne Island.
- Otter Swim Club organizes programs for swimmers of all ages and abilities at the Panorama Rec Centre in Sidney.
- The Annual Mayne Island Fall Fair typically occurs on the third Sunday in August, and is hosted by the Mayne Island Agricultural Society
We are Forward Thinking
Our small community is powered by creative thinking and future planning. We value the incredible biodiversity of our island environment, as well as the health and wellness of our residents. The following initiatives are led by thoughtful volunteers to both develop and preserve the fine balance of our social, economic, and natural ecosystem. Some examples of this are below.
- Mayne Island Conservancy is a leader in our community, developing educational, preservation, and research initiatives. The conservancy employs a full-time biologist.
- Mayne Island Collective is a group of 15 island nonprofits and charities working together in synergy to keep the dream alive of making Mayne Island our forever home: so we can age in place with dignity and quality of life. This is not just for seniors – this is for all age groups.
- Mayne Island Housing Society provides planning, advocacy and fundraising to establish affordable housing solutions for low and modest income residents of the island.
- The Gulf Islands Centre for Ecological Learning connects people with nature within the natural environment of British Columbia’s southern Gulf Islands.
Get Acquainted…
Spending time here on Mayne Island means having knowledge of and access to the many essential services the help make the world on Mayne go ‘round.
Our local government structure is unique, in that it consists of several layers of authority. The Capital Regional District has municipal jurisdiction over many aspects of island life, including infrastructure and bylaw enforcement . The Islands Trust and elected trustees are guided by the provincial Islands Trust Act and are principally responsible for land use planning and regulation. The Mayne Island Improvement District is empowered by provincial legislation to levy taxes for services such as garbage collection, fire protection, and our local Health Centre.
Some of the many vital island services you may encounter here are:
- Mayne Island Health Centre operates the Health Centre alongside Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Mayne Island Fire Rescue is a robust volunteer firefighter department, whose members form the charity Mayne Island Firefighters Association to provide valuable community service to our island.
- Mayne Island Community Bus is a non-profit society operating rides from the ferry to your destination on a donation basis.
- Mayne Island Chamber of Commerce
- Mayne Island Emergency Program
- Mayne Island Integrated Water Systems Society
- Mayne Island Recycling Society