Vitality Business Centre
The Vitality Business Centre, a program of the SGICRC, is a resource centre for local businesses and organizations. Its purpose is to foster, promote and support regenerative local economic initiatives and to create a solid foundation with priorities for a resilient local economy by helping business flourish. The Centre will advocate, mediate, communicate, and initiate opportunities with government, funders, other businesses, social enterprise for community businesses and residents.
It’s physical and online presence will help the SGICRC build a ‘community economy that ‘fits’ the SGIs (Per results of the Business Survey). It currently offers a number of services including:
- Small business development assistance
- Capacity building resources – books and online links for business start-up, non-profit development, community development, building relationships with first nations, etc.
- Research on the local economy to determine trends, strengths, gaps, and opportunities
- Social enterprise information
- Local economic linkages
- Identification of year-round business opportunities that diversify the range of locally available products and services
- Support training and technical assistance
- Information on funding programs
- Networking with the SGI and other Chambers of Commerce
- Contacts and referrals, one-on-one consultations
- Social media assistance and promotion of the Centre across the SGIs
- A partnership with Salt Spring Island, other Gulf Islands and Victoria
The Centre is run by and for the Island communities. With its in-depth knowledge of the unique characteristics of the Island Region and active partnerships with business and community leaders, local government, educational institutions, other business leaders and nonprofits it is able to guide and help lead the way to a Sustainable SGI economy.
The Small Business Office operates out of the SGICRC Vitality Business Centre and offers:
- Space for rent
- Boardroom facilities
- Photocopying
- Scanning
- Printing
- Computer access
- Audio visual equipment
- Zoom services
- Flip charts and more…
We are here to help you with your small business needs.