Long Time Salt Spring Family of 6 Urgently Seeking Affordable Housing

Listing Category
First Name
Listing - G23

Budget: $1400-$1800

Family of 6 - 2 Parents, 4 children

ISO a place with at least 2 Bedrooms, preferably 3

Small well trained dog and a cat

I realize that our situation is not unique to the times as the housing crisis and economy continue to put pressure on us all, but we are getting down to the wire and I am reaching out in a last effort to find us a home. Our rental of almost 11 years sold very quickly and we now have until July 31st to find a new home. We have been searching for almost a year knowing that our house was going to be put on the market, but we have not been able to find anything affordable.

We are long time islanders with myself having been on the island for 30 years and my husband for 20 years. Our 4 kids were all born to this island and have never know any other home. This is our community; this is our home. My husband works in construction in the winter and for BC Wildfire in the summer as a Structure Protection Specialist, he has been a Volunteer with Salt Spring Fire Rescue for 18 years. I work for the school district at Gulf Islands Secondary School and volunteer in the arts performing in many shows and spending many hours collaborating within the thriving arts culture in our community.

Our kids are 13, just about to go into high school, 11, 10, and 6. They are all deeply rooted to this place participating in arts, sports, and cultural activities on a regular basis.

If you have any questions or comments about this listing please reach out to us at housingnow@sgicommunityresources.ca – Please quote "Listing - G23" in your subject line

Type of Accommodation
Apartment, Suite, House
Length of Stay
Long Term (year-round)