ISO: Accommodations on Mayne

Listing Category
First Name
Listing - G05


Budget : $600 - $1000

Hello. Over the years I have supported various individuals in their homes (some special needs, some with physical disabilities, and also seniors, including my Mom). My dog and I spend a lot of time outdoors, although he is slowing down. The quiet life is for me, and I like nothing better than to bring a book to FarmGate and enjoy a coffee. I am semi-retired so would like to work a little on Mayne but I do have pensions.

Eventually my girlfriend would like to join me (next year). She has been a regular visitor for many years. I would like to try living on Mayne for several months, and likely beyond.

I have a friendly 15 lbs Terrier mix

If you have any questions or comments about this listing please reach out to us at – Please quote "Listing - G05" in your subject line


Type of Accommodation
Apartment, Suite, House, Shared
Length of Stay
Seasonal (summer)