Healthcare Worker Looking For Housing On Salt Spring (G52)

Listing Category
First Name
Listing - G52

Budget: 500-700/month, maybe $200/week depends on how often I am there for work, a pro-rated situation would be ideal!

I have a cat - Indoor, trained, 12 years old, sleeps a lot

I've been with island health for over 10 years and want to explore more communities and provide service to as many people as I can. I want to get to know people all over the Island. I own my own home in Port Hardy and base myself out of there currently and I am really excited to join the healthcare team at Lady Minto. If the community accepts me this could be a potential permanent move.

If you have any questions or comments about this listing please reach out to us at – Please quote "Listing - G52" in your subject line

Type of Accommodation
Apartment, Suite, House, Shared, Other
Length of Stay
Long Term (year-round)
Posting Date