Good Governance Is...
Management Versus Governance
Board Meeting Icebreaker activity
Mission and Vision activity
Board Checklist exercise
Board Member Self Evaluation exercise
Yes We Can exercise
Financial Statement sample
Consent Agenda sample
Board Member Job Description sample
Conflict of Interest Policy sample
Board Member Confidentiality Agreement sample
Board Member Contract sample
What You Should Know About Societies
Legal Responsibilities of Boards
Legislation and Obligations
Key Terms Defined
How to Run a Successful Meeting
Common Questions You Should Know How to Answer
Types of Board Committees
What Type of Board Are You?
What Are Committees and How Do They Work?
Terms of Reference for Committees
What is the Value of the Non-Profit Sector?
What is the Structure of a Board?
Board Structure Graph
Basic Functions of the Non-Profit Board
Board Participation
Board Member Responsibilities
Checklist of Board Policies
Board Member Pointers
General Info on Boards
8 Warning Signs that a Board is Off Track
Managing Board Conflict
Checklist of Board Policies
What Kind of Policies Should You Have?
Policy Development
How to Write Policy
Board Diversity Policy Template
Funding and Fundraising
Non-Profit Financial Statement sample
How to Read Financial Statements
Free and Low Cost Accounting and Invoicing Software
Best Accounting Software for Small Business
Agenda Sample
Minutes Sample
Agenda and Minutes Exercise
Roberts Rules Training
Minute Taking Tips
Motions and Resolutions
Organizational Capacity Assessment
Grant Planning Template
Grant Resources for Non-Profits
Where to Find Grants
Where to Find Grants (PPT)
Grant Writing Handbook
Top Tips for Grant Writing
Components of a Logic Model
Logic Model Guide
Planning Your Metrics of Success
Definitions of Costs
Newsletter Archive
Succession Planning Options Template
Succession Planning Toolkit
How to Start a Volunteer Program
Recruiting and Retaining Young Professionals
Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Tip Sheet
Writing Volunteer Position Tip Sheet
BC Volunteer Stats Infographic
Case Study Template
Volunteer Selection Template
Volunteer Selection Template (Volunteer BC)List Content goes here
Media Release Template
Media Release Template (Volunteer Victoria)List Content goes here
Media Alert Template
Volunteer Recruitment Example Persona
Volunteer Exit Form for Supervisors
Volunteer Exit Form for Supervisors (Volunteer BC)List Content goes here
Volunteer Exit Form for Volunteers
Volunteer Exit Form (Volunteer BC)List Content goes here
Volunteer Self-Evaluation Form
Volunteer Performance Review Form for Supervisors
Volunteer Performance Review Form for Supervisors (Volunteer BC)List Content goes here
History of Race Relations in Canada
Transgender Inclusive Workplace Guide
Educational Resource Disability and Accessibility
Educational Resources on LGBTQ2S+ Inclusion
Educational Resources Mental Health
Educational Resources Neurodiversity
Educational Resource Racism and Anti-Black Racism
Educational Resource Indigenous Inclusion
Educational Resources on Anti-Asian Racism
Inclusive Workplace Anti-Racism Guide
Inclusive Workplace Guide Fostering Health and Safety
Intersectionality Infographic
Diversity Among Board Directors and Officers Infographic
Companies with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies
List Content goes here
Admin Position
Free University Courses
Funding for Hiring Students
Work-integrated learning is an engaged partnership between community partners, post-secondary institutions and students that better equips students with practical experience and also benefits the workplace, by providing skilled talent to tackle projects, build capacity and fill any gaps in staffing. It’s also a great way to recruit and develop future workers.
If you’re considering hiring a work-integrated learning student for your organization, you may be eligible for Federal or BC funding resources.
Level Up Program
The Government of Canada is offering fully subsidized 80hr internships to registered businesses and non-profits. Level Up is funded by the Government of Canada’s Innovative Work-Integrated Learning Initiatives program, which gives paid job experience to undergrad and masters students from over 100 universities across Canada.All you need is an 80hr project, and the capacity and willingness to work with a student remotely and answer questions. There is no cost to your business or organization.Add your organization to the waitlist.University of British Columbia Co-op
With the largest co-op program in Western Canada, UBC offers you access to co-op students from across almost every discipline:
UBC Sauder School of Business ‘Community Business Program’
The Community Business Project Program is an opportunity for your organization to receive pro bono business consulting from teams of highly motivated UBC Master of Management (MM) students.
There are two intakes a year- intake for the fall happens in the summer and is for a larger cohort of students. Intake for the spring projects happens in the fall and is for a smaller cohort of students.
Since 2011, they have partnered with over 100 local organizations – many returning yearly. Typical projects include strategies related to:
- Fundraising and development
- Recruitment and retention
- Corporate partnerships
- Marketing and communication
- New product development
Who is eligible to participate?
- Non-profits
- Charities
- Social enterprises
- Corporations with affiliations to social ventures/CSR initiatives
- Environmentally-focused businesses
- Start-ups with community initiatives/impacts
To learn more, visit their website.
University of British Columbia Job Board
Reach current UBC students and alumni with the university’s online career resources platform, CareersOnline. Advertise full-time, part-time, internship, or volunteer positions any time of the year for free.
Vancouver Island University Job Board
Vancouver Island University students are looking for remote and in-person employment opportunities.If you’re an employer, you can post your job opportunity to their Center for Experiential Learning online job posting portal Career VIU.In order to post a position for students you must first register an account in the CareerVIU system. Registering for an account is free, quick and easy. Once you have followed the instructions below to register your account you will then be able to start posting internship opportunities.Register here.University of Victoria Co-op
UVic co-op students come from more than 220 academic program areas.
Organizations can post a job on their co-op portal.
Let them know how long you’d like the posting to be live and your preferred way of receiving applications. You can have them sent through the portal or directly to you.
Make your posting stand out by being clear about what you’re looking for. Students want to know:
- what skills they’ll need
- how the role fits into the bigger organization
- your workplace culture
- how your organization actively supports equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives
- salary and benefit information
It’s also important to include a clear job title that describes the position. For example, “summer research assistant” is more clear than “summer student.”
Once the posting closes, they’ll package up the applications and send them your way, unless you chose to receive applications directly.
Email Uvic directly if you’d like support with posting your job.
University of Victoria Job Board
As an employer, you can hire UVic students, alumni and co-op students for part-time, full-time, career and co-op positions.
It’s a great way to share your experiences and welcome innovative ideas into your workplace.
- hire through their co-op program
- post positions to their job board
- hire a tutor
- hire someone for casual work opportunities
Camosun College Work Integrated Learning Co-op or Internship
A planned, well-implemented, and organized work-integrated learning (WIL) co-op or internship experience provides powerful educational opportunities for students and unmatched access to rising talent for employers. Get started.
Camosun College Job Board
Build your talent pipeline through recruiting student candidates for co-op, internship and career positions.
- Post and manage job opportunities.
- Administer resume collection, virtual interviews and candidate selection.
- Access federal funding options to hire students.
- Engage in year-round events.
Simon Fraser University Co-op
Co-op is a partnership between the employer, SFU, and the student. The Co-op component of a student’s degree is integral to their formal education. The nature of the work is aligned with the student’s career goals and allows them the opportunity to explore different career options. Students return to SFU to study after a 4, 8, or 12 month Co-op experience.
They have worked with over 16,500 employer contacts since 1975. They have approximately 10,000 students ready to work locally, nationally and internationally and since 2002, SFU students have won the nationwide title “Co-op Student of the Year” four times.
- 4 or 8 month paid, full-time professional work
- Related to students’ academic program.
- Minimum 420 hours over 4 months.
- Year-round start dates.
- Students return to SFU after Co-op.
Simon Fraser University Job Board
SFU’s university-wide job posting board, myExperience, is the best way to promote your full-time or part-time opportunities, internships and educational opportunities to our students and alumni.
Langara College Co-op
Co-operative Education is a time proven approach, used worldwide, for introducing employers to students in specialized fields of work. “Co-op” gives employers an opportunity to shape the development of potential employees by integrating full time paid work within an academic program of study. Contact Co-Op here.
Langara College Job Board
The C3 (Co-op & Career Connector) Job Board is your entry point to post job opportunities for Langara students.
Royal Roads University Job Board
CareerRoads is a database of employers that are a good fit for Royal Roads students and alumni.
You can search the database for jobs, and research employers to learn more about their organizations.
Students and employers can get started by creating a CareerRoads profile.
North Island College Job Board
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a flexible, cost-effective partnership between students, employers and North Island College. Whether you’re interested in hiring a graduate, a co-op student or providing internship opportunities, we want to connect you with NIC talent. Get started.
North Island College Co-op and Internships
Co-op (or co-operative education) consists of alternating academic terms and paid, full-time work terms. Each co-op work term lasts a minimum of 420 hours over a four-month period and takes place in a workplace related to the student’s field of study. The number of required work terms varies by program. For example, a four-year undergraduate degree can include three co-op terms, allowing students to graduate with 12 months’ work experience.
Co-op is available to NIC students enroled in the Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Administration diploma and Tourism & Hospitality programs.
Internships are a more flexible form of Work-Integrated Learning. They can be full or part-time and paid or unpaid. Internships can also take place while students are taking other classes or after all other coursework has been completed. Internships also vary in length. For example, NIC Business internships last a minimum of 180 hours over the course of one semester or four months, but there is no limit on how many hours students can work on an internship. Internships are available to students in the following programs:
North Island College CARTI Program
NIC’s Centre for Applied Research, Technology and Innovation (CARTI) connects NIC expert staff and students with local businesses and organizations to develop innovative solutions to current challenges. NIC is committed to fostering applied research and social innovation projects as fundamental experiential learning opportunities where students develop transferable skills while increasing the college’s contribution towards the socioeconomic needs of the community.
They offer services to support research project development, project management and funding. Learn about their services and projects.
Starting a Non-Profit: A Guide
Incorporating a Non-Profit in BC
Dos and Don’ts of Starting a Non-Profit
BC Museums Association
The BC Museums Association is proud to feature a collection of learning resources developed by – and for – their members. Find sources of inspiration and practical tools here.
Heritage BC
Learning, education and training are core to Heritage BC’s work in developing the capacity, knowledge and appreciation of heritage throughout the province. Learn more here.
BC Alliance for Healthy Living
BCAHL works to advance and support health-promoting policies, environments, programs and services so that British Columbians have more opportunities to be healthier.
BCAHL’s policy agenda centers on efforts that address the common risk factors of chronic disease and underlying determinants that contribute significantly to cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes. Learn more by checking out their Reports and Resources and Webinars.
Senior Citizens Association of BC
Links to useful, helpful or just simply enjoyable websites for seniors.
Senior Services Society
Seniors Services Society carefully curates many valuable resources to assist seniors and their families in finding programs to meet their needs.
BC Seniors Guide
The BC Seniors Guide provides information about healthy living, health care, and government programs and services for B.C. seniors.
Seniors First BC
Below are province-wide support resources for older adults. Click on texts coloured in blue to be taken to the corresponding website page. The resources listed are not exhaustive; please call their Seniors Abuse and Information Line for more options and information.
Society for Children and Youth of BC
As part of our work raising awareness of children’s rights, SCY is continually creating new resources to help a variety of audiences learn more about children rights and how to uphold them. Most of their publications are available for free download.
BC Environment Industry Guide
BC Non-Profit Housing Association
BCNPHA Online Learning Events are offered virtually in workshop, roundtable, or webinar formats, delivered, and facilitated by the non-profit housing sector’s thought leaders.
BCNPHA partners with various organizations to offer courses and training sessions designed to increase the professional development of those working in the non-profit housing sector.
BCNPHA has developed a number of resource guides and templates to assist non-profit housing providers.
BC Fruit Growers Association
BC’s interior tree fruit industry represents 800 growers operating orchards. They offer member services and industry resources.
BC Agriculture Council
The following resources are available to B.C. farmers and ranchers as well as other members of the agriculture industry.
Organic BC
Organic BC is growing the organic movement in British Columbia from the ground up. Our grassroots network of organic certifiers, farmers, processors and consumers is working to build healthy soil, ecosystems, people and communities. They offer a range of resources for growers.
BC Alliance for Arts and Culture
A list of functional tools, advocacy tools, and research in BC Arts & Culture.
Province of BC- Non Profit Sector Resources