2 BDR House on Pender available Mid May until Mid October – $3000 (H17)

Listing Category
First Name
Listing- H17

Rent : $3000  all inclusive - reduced rent possible in exchange for house and property maintenance

Beautiful 2 bedroom home at the end of quiet rural road on North Pender Island. This is a seasonal opportunity for five months from approximate mid May to mid October 2025. We are looking for a mature quiet person or couple to look after our home while we travel. Affordable rent is being offered in consideration for care of garden and lawn as well as attention to house plants. No parties or pets. References required as well as in person interview.

If you have any questions or comments about this listing please reach out to us at housingnow@sgicommunityresources.ca – Please quote "Listing - H17" in your subject line


Type of Accommodation
Pet Friendly?
Length of Stay
Seasonal (summer)
Posting Date